
Posts Tagged ‘anger’

You and I, we're in a relationship.  I love you.  I can't imagine my life without you.   But, is it so awful a responsibility to expect you to be timely and true?   Am I asking for too much when I want you to do what you're supposed to do correctly?

Yet, time and time again, you've let me down.  You're too late. You're too early.  Sometimes, you don't do anything at all.  Today, we were halfway through our nightly ritual, and you quit on me.  Why do you like to leave me hanging like that?

I count on you every night, to be there for me.  I need to know that when I come home, you're there waiting.  I take comfort in the thought that you're there.

Why? Why do you hurt me so?

So, fuck you, Digital Video Recorder, for recording only HALF of the Amazing Race.  I told you to record all new episodes of the series on that channel, so WHY DID YOU STOP HALFWAY?

This might be the end, DVR.  You've broken my heart too many times.   This is the last time, or else I'm cancelling my service and going back to VCR.  Just to let you know, my old VCR always let me finish first. 

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